| Bob Marley Remix Project Genre: International Music
Track Listings (14) - Disc #1- Keep on Movin' [Interface Remix]
- Put It On [Astralasia Remix]
- Soul Rebel [Pistel Remix]
- Kaya Bass up [Remixed by Kevin Haskins of Love & Rockets]
- African Herbsman [Meek Remix]
- Mr. Brown [Spahn Ranch Remix] - Bob Marley, Adams, G.
- African Herbsman [Remixed by Sen Dog of Cypress Hill]
- Don't Rock My Boat [Sheep on Drugs Remix]
- Fussin' and Fightin' [David Harrow Remix]
- Don't Rock My Boat [Julian Beeston Remix]
- Mr. Brown [Electric Sky Church Remix] - Bob Marley, Adams, Glen
- Brain Washing [Filter Secton Remix]
- Sun Is Shining [Silverbeam Remix]
- Riding High [Fear No Art/Monto Phonics Remix]