| Bob Dylan Bootleg Series V.1 - 3 Genres: Country, Folk, Pop, Rock, Classic Rock
Track Listings (22) - Disc #1- Hard Times in New York Town [Live]
- He Was a Friend of Mine [outtake] - Bob Dylan, Traditional
- Man on the Street [outtake]
- No More Auction Block [Live] - Bob Dylan, Traditional
- House Carpenter [outtake] - Bob Dylan, Traditional
- Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues [outtake]
- Let Me Die in My Footsteps [outtake]
- Ramblin' Gamblin' Willie [outtake]
- Talkin' Have Negeilah Blues [outtake]
- Quit Your Low Down Ways [outtake]
- Worried Blues [outtake] - Bob Dylan, Traditional
- Kingsport Town [outtake] - Bob Dylan, Traditional
- Walkin' Down the Line [Demo Version]
- Walls of Red Wing [outtake]
- Paths of Victory [outtake]
- Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues [Live]
- Who Killed Davey Moore? [Live]
- Only a Hobo [outtake]
- Moonshiner [outtake]
- When the Ship Comes In [Demo Version]
- The Times They Are A-Changin' [Demo Version]
- Last Thoughts on Woody Gutherie [Live]
Track Listings (20) - Disc #2- Seven Curses [outtake]
- Eternal Circle [outtake]
- Suze (The Cough Song) [outtake]
- Mama, You Been on My Mind [outtake]
- Farewell, Angelina [outtake]
- Subterranean Homesick Blues [Alternate Acoustic Version][Alternate Take
- If You Gotta Go, Go Now [outtake]
- Sitting on a Barbed Wire Fence [outtake]
- Like a Rolling Stone
- It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry [Alternate Version]
- I'll Keep It With Mine
- She's Your Lover Now [outtake]
- I Shall Be Released [outtake]
- If Not for You [Alternate Version][Alternate Take]
- Wallflower - Bob Dylan, Ballard, Hank
- Nobody 'Cept You [outtake]
- Tangled Up in Blue
- Call Letter Blues [outtake]
- Idiot Wind
- Santa-Fe [outtake]
Track Listings (16) - Disc #3- If You See Her, Say Hello
- Golden Loom [outtake]
- Catfish [outtake]
- Seven Days [Live]
- Ye Shall Be Changed [outtake]
- Every Grain of Sand [Demo Version]
- You Changed My Life [outtake]
- Need a Woman [outtake]
- Angelina [outtake]
- Someone's Got a Hold of My Heart
- Tell Me [outtake]
- Lord Protect My Child [outtake]
- Foot of Pride
- Blind Willie McTell [outtake]
- When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky [Original Version]
- Series of Dreams [outtake]