| Bob & the Wailers Marley Complete 67-72 Genre: International Music
Track Listings (16) - Disc #1- Rock to the Rock [#]
- Rocking Steady [Alternate Take][#]
- How Many Times
- Touch Me
- Mellow Mood [Alternate Take]
- There She Goes
- Soul Rebel
- Put It On [Alternate Take]
- Chances Are [Alternate Take]
- Love [#] - Bob Marley, Tosh, Peter
- Bend Down Low [Alternate Take]
- The World Is Changing - Bob Marley, Norman, Jimmy [1]
- Nice Time [Alternate Take][#]
- Treat You Right - Bob Marley, Norman, Jimmy [1]
- What Goes Around Comes Around [#] - Bob Marley, Norman, Jimmy [1]
- What Goes Around Comes Around [#][Version] - Bob Marley, Norman, Jimmy [1]
Track Listings (17) - Disc #2- Don't Rock My Boat [#]
- The Lord Will Make a Way Somehow [#]
- Chances Are [#]
- Selassie Is the Chapel [#] - Bob Marley, Glenn, Artie
- Tread Oh [#] - Bob Marley, Livingston, Neville
- Feel Alright [#]
- Rhythum [#]
- Rocking Steady [#]
- Adam and Eve
- Wisdom
- This Train [Alternate Take]
- Thank You Lord [Alternate Take]
- Give Me a Ticket [#] - Bob Marley, Carson, Thompson Wa
- Trouble on the Road Again [#]
- Black Progress/(Say It Loud) I'm Black and I'm Proud - Bob Marley, Brown, James [1]
- Black Progress [Alternate Take][#][*] - Bob Marley, Barrett, Aston
- Tread Oh [Alternate Take][#][*] - Bob Marley, Livingston, Neville
Track Listings (14) - Disc #3- Sugar, Sugar [#] - Bob Marley, Barry, Jeff
- Stop the Train - Bob Marley, Tosh, Peter
- Cheer Up
- Soon Come
- Soul Captive
- Go Tell It on the Mountain
- Can't You See [Alternate Take] - Bob Marley, Tosh, Peter
- Give Me a Ticket [Alternate Take][#] - Bob Marley, Carson, Thompson Wa
- Hold on to This Feeling [#] - Bob Marley, Bristol, Johny
- Mr. Chatterbox [Alternate Take]
- Soul Shakedown Party [Alternate Take]
- Soon Come [Alternate Take]
- Mr. Chatterbox [Alternate Take]
- Hold on to This Feeling [Alternate Take][#] - Bob Marley, Bristol, Johnny