Bill Dixon

CDs Bill Dixon performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (18)

2016 - Tapestries for Small Orchestra

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop
2011 - Envoi

Genres: Jazz, Pop, Rock
2008 - 17 Musicians in Search of a Sound Darfur

Genres: Jazz, Pop
2008 - Berlin Abbozzi

2008 - Is It Art

2008 - Bill Dixon with Exploding Star Orchestra

2002 - Taylor / Dixon / Oxley

2001 - Opium (Dig)

2001 - Bill Dixon 7-Tette / Archie Shepp and the New York Contemporary 5

2000 - Papyrus I

2000 - Berlin Abbozzi
1997 - Vade Mecum 2
1994 - Vade Mecum
1994 - In Italy 1
1993 - Son of Sisyphus
1993 - November 1981
1993 - Thoughts