| Benjamin Britten, Quink Vocal Ensemble Benjamin Britten: Hymn to St. Cecilia; Sacred and Profane Genre: Classical
Track Listings (17) - Disc #1- Hymn to St. Cecilia, for chorus, Op. 27
- Flower Songs (5), for chorus, Op. 47: no. 1 To Daffoldils
- Flower Songs (5), for chorus, Op. 47: no. 2 The Succession of the Four Sweet Months
- Flower Songs (5), for chorus, Op. 47: no. 3 Marsh Flowers
- Flower Songs (5), for chorus, Op. 47: no. 4 The Eveing Primrose
- Flower Songs (5), for chorus, Op. 47: no. 5 Ballad of Green Broom
- Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91: no. 1 St. Godric's Hymn
- Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91: no. 2 I Mon Waxe Wode
- Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91: no. 3 Lenten is Come
- Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91: no. 4 The Long Night
- Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91: no. 5 Yif Ic of Love Can
- Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91: no. 6 Carol
- Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91: no. 7 Ye That Pasen By
- Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91: no. 8 A Death
- A Wealden Trio: The Song of the Women, carol for female chorus
- The Sycamore Tree, carol for chorus
- A Shepherd's Carol, for chorus