Benedetto Marcello

CDs Benedetto Marcello performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1992 - Cecilia Bartoli - If You Love Me 18th-Century Italian Songs (Se tu m'ami )

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (8)

2000 - Renato Bruson - Arie antiche

Genres: Pop, Classical
1998 - A Portrait of Baroque Flute / Masahiro Arita

Genre: Classical
1997 - Marcello Sonate per Flaute e Basso Continuo Opera II / Sonatas for Flute and Bass Continuo Op 2 Nos 7-12 (7-12)

Genre: Classical
1997 - B Marcello Sei Sonate per violoncello e cembalo /Casadei Tasini

1996 - Sergei Nakariakov Baroque Trumpet Concertos

1996 - Ewa Podles - Airs clbres (Famous Arias)

1995 - Giocattoli Musica Barocca

1993 - Flute and Organ Works - Guy Angelloz Arnold Batselaere - Marcello Chopin Vivaldi Bizet Corelli Bach etc (flute)

CDs Benedetto Marcello helped create...

Currently Available CDs (5)

2006 - 100 Best Baroque

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Classical
2005 - Pachelbel Canon and Other Baroque Masterpieces

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2003 - The 1 Adagios Album

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2002 - In My Heart - 17th and 18th Italian Songs

1993 - The Best of Baroque Music

Currently Unavailable CDs (79)

2015 - Benedetto Marcello Psalms

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2015 - Benedetto Marcello Il Pianto e il Riso

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2009 - BARTOK Piano Transcriptions

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 - Classical Wedding The Perfect Music for the Perfect Day

2009 - Mozart Die Bauernhochzeti/Salulini Concerto/Jommelli Sinfonia/Marcello SonataOp12

2008 - Vivaldi Marcello La Luce e l'ombra di Venezia II

2008 - In Venice

2008 - Italian Cello Music

2008 - Enrico Mainardi Cello Concertos Vol 1

2007 - Solos for the Developing Tubist Tuba Helper

2007 - Airs Celebres Haendel Vivaldi
2007 - The Art of the Recorder
2007 - Joyful Sounds
2006 - Benedetto Marcello Sonatas Op 2 (Box Set)
2006 - The Musical Treasures of Leufsta Bruk
2006 - Classical Chillout Relaxing Classical Melodies
2006 - Benedetto Marcello Sonate per Flauto e Basso Op 2 Opere per Clavicembalo (Sonate 1/6)
2006 - The Most Relaxing Flute Music in the Universe
2006 - Lovers' Adagios
2006 - Gardens of Birr Castle Demesne
2005 - Victoria de los Angeles
2005 - The Best Relaxing Classics (Best Buy Exclusive)
2005 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Fedora Barbieri
2005 - Bendetto Marcello Salmi di Davide
2004 - Arianna a Naxos
2004 - Lo Specchio Ricomposto - Le Miroir Recompos
2004 - Bach Vivaldi Marcello Concerti Italiani
2004 - Souvenirs
2003 - Arcadia (Hybrid SACD)
2003 - Benedetto Marcello Flute Sonatas Opus 2
2003 - Baker Sings Gluck Lully Marcello etc
2003 - Corelli Co
2003 - Rare Goossens
2003 - Waltz Dances
2002 - Baroque Harpsichord / Guglielmi
2002 - Swingling Telemann
2002 - Les Romantiques / Swingling Telemann (Box Set)
2001 - Benedetto Marcello Lo Speccio della Nostalgia
2001 - Marcello Complete Harpsichord Sonatas
2001 - Flute Sonatas From the Italian Baroque
2001 - Eighteenth Century Italian Cello Sonatas
2001 - Florian Uhlig Venezia
2000 - Autour de Benedetto Marcello
2000 - Baroque Arias For Soprano Trumpet
2000 - Marcello Concerti Grossi Op1
2000 - Marcello Arianna
2000 - Best of Baroque
2000 - Organ Concerto / Loreggian (Bach Transcription)
2000 - Oboe Concertos Vol 2
2000 - Build Your Baby's Brain 5 Through the Power of Baroque
2000 - Organ History The Organ Transcription in France
1999 - Sonate Veneziane Del '700
1999 - Elisabeth Hngen singt Lieder
1999 - Marcello Requiem in the Venetian Manner
1999 - Italian Cello Music
1998 - Baroque Cello Music
1998 - A due
1998 - A Treasury of Early Music Vol4 Music of the Baroque
1998 - Rejoice A String Quartet Christmas 3
1997 - Collegium Musicum - Baroque Works - Hasse Salve Regina Crucifixus / Capricornus Domine Jesu Christe / A Scarlatti Solitudini Amene / Caldara Quell'usignuolo / Platti Sonata II in G Op 3 for Flute / Merula Gaudeamus Omnes / Telemann Sage Mir Doch
1997 - Sherrill Milnes In Recital Vol 1
1996 - Benedetto Marcello Sonatas Op 2 (Vol. 1)
1996 - Benedetto Marcello Sonatas Op 2 (Vol. 2)
1996 - Marcello Arias Duets
1996 - Lamenti Barocchi Vol 2
1996 - Benedetto Marcello Sonatas for Recorder and BC Sonatas for Cello and B C
1996 - Trombonology
1996 - Christer Torg Michael Lind
1995 - Music For Brass And Organ
1995 - The Italian Voyage
1994 - Frans Brggen Edition Vol 2 - Italian Recorder Sonatas
1993 - Christmas with Chicago Chamber Brass
1993 - The Treble Boys - Wonder Solos and Duets for Boy Soprano
1993 - Recorder Music
1993 - The Magic Of the Oboe
1992 - Famous Trumpet Concerti
1990 - Michael Murray At The Cathedral Of St John The Divine Works By Franck Widor Dupr Bach and Others
1990 - Pachelbel Canon other Baroque Favorites
Marcello Psaumes de David (Les Chemins Hébraïques du Baroque)