
CDs Beatles performed on...

Currently Available CDs (2)

1995 - Anthology 1

Genres: Rock, Classic Rock
The Beatles-Rare Photos Interview Cd-Vol2

Genre: Pop

Currently Unavailable CDs (203)

2018 - Complete Star Club Tapes 1962

2014 - At Shea Stadium Described By Erupting Fans

Genre: Rock
2011 - The Beatles 1

Genres: Pop, Rock
2010 - Tribute Beatles Reggae

2010 - Help

2009 - Beatles With Love Pack (Rpkg)

2009 - Help (CD/T-Shirt)

2009 - A Hard Day's Night (CD/T-Shirt)

2009 - Magical Mystery Tour (CD/T-Shirt)

2009 - Not for Sale

2009 - Classical Beatles
2009 - The Beatles Stereo Box Set (IMPORT)
2009 - Let It Be-Collector's Crate
2009 - Let It Be-Collector's Crate
2009 - Magical Mystery Tour
2009 - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band-Collector's
2009 - Abbey Road-Collector's Crate
2009 - Yellow Submarine
2009 - Rubber Soul
2009 - With The Beatles
2009 - Revolver
2009 - Abbey Road
2009 - Revolver Crate Kit
2009 - Early Tapes of The Beatles
2009 - Down Abbey Road Bossa - Songs of the Beatles
2008 - Tony Sheridan Beatles
2008 - Album Blanco
2007 - Hard Day's Night
2006 - Love Special Edition
2006 - Love
2006 - Capitol Albums 2
2006 - ASK-1544 Karaoke The Beatles Greatest Hits
2005 - As It Happened
2005 - We Can Work It Out
2004 - Beatles First (Dlx)
2004 - Beatles 64 Box Capitol Albums 1
2004 - Capitol Albums 1
2004 - First Beat
2004 - Yeah Yeah Yeah (Mini Lp Sleeve)
2004 - The Paris Concerts 1964-1965 (CD & DVD)
2003 - Chatterbox
2003 - Let It Be Naked
2003 - Let It Be Naked
2003 - The Beatles
2003 - Talkology 3
2003 - Talkology 1
2003 - Talkology 2
2002 - Maximum
2002 - Sing-A-Long The Beatles
2002 - Maximum Beatles
2002 - 1962-1966
2002 - Karaoke Beatles
2002 - Here There Everywhere
2002 - 1
2002 - John Lennon Interviews 1964-1966
2002 - Beatles for Sale (Reis)
2002 - A Hard Day's Night
2002 - Karaoke Songs Made Famous By the Beatles 2
2001 - From Britain With Beat
2001 - Beatles Bop Hamburg Days
2001 - Live at the BBC
2001 - Live at the BBC
2001 - Legend Continues
2000 - East Coast Invasion / West Coast Invasion
2000 - As It Happened Classic Interviews
2000 - In the Beginning
2000 - 1962 Live at the Star Club in Hamburg
2000 - Interview-Beatles As It Happened
2000 - Things We Said Today
2000 - Beatles Tapes V the 1965 Help Tour
2000 - Not a Second Time (Previously Unreleased Interviews From 1964)
2000 - Ain't She Sweet
2000 - Early Tapes
2000 - Magical Mystical Words of the Late 60's
2000 - Ringo Interviews 1964-66
2000 - Savage Young Beatles - Interview
1999 - Beatles Live at the Knitting Fcatory
1999 - Last Night in Hamburg
1999 - Real Love
1999 - Free As a Bird / Saw Her Standing / This Boy
1999 - Yellow Submarine Songtrack
1999 - Yellow Submarine-Song Tracks
1999 - Last Night in Hamburg (Poster)
1999 - This Is Savage Young Beatles
1999 - Ep Collection
1999 - Ep Collection
1999 - Legend Begins
1999 - Ep Boxset
1999 - East Coast Invasion
1998 - White Album (Reis)
1998 - Baktabak Interview Conquer America
1998 - Baktabak Interview Talk Downunder Vol 2
1998 - Baktabak Interview The Interviews Vol 2
1998 - The Beatles CD box set with wood case
1998 - Please Please Me (Reis)
1998 - With Beatles (Reis)
1998 - 1967-1970
1998 - Past Masters Vol 1 (Reis)
1998 - Rubber Soul
1998 - Past Masters Vol 2 (Reis)
1998 - Help (Reis)
1998 - Revolver (Reis)
1998 - Magical Mystery Tour (Reis)
1998 - Yellow Submarine (Reis)
1998 - Abbey Road (Reis)
1998 - Let It Be (Reis)
1998 - SgtPepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band (Reis)
1998 - Vol 3-Hits of
1997 - Vol 1-Hits of
1997 - Private Talks
1997 - Interview Disc 1
1997 - Interview Disc 2
1996 - Yellow Submarine
1996 - Another Beatles Story 1962-1967
1996 - Anthology 3 (12-Inch Longbox)
1996 - Anthology 3 (8-Inch Longbox)
1996 - Anthology 3
1996 - Anthology Vol 3
1996 - Beatles
1996 - In Hamburg 1961 A Musical Biography
1996 - Beatles Tapes From Wigg Interviews
1996 - Anthology 2
1996 - Real Love
1996 - Anthology Vol 2
1995 - The Beatles Multiselection Box Set
1995 - Free As A Bird
1995 - Anthology Vol 1
1995 - Inside Interviews
1995 - Inside Interviews Australia Beatlemania
1995 - Inside Interviews Sydney To Seattle
1995 - Inside Interviews All Together Now
1995 - Inside Interviews Beatlemania
1995 - In My Life John Lennon Paul McCartney
1995 - Cello Submarine Beatles Classics by the 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic
1995 - Rockumentary
1995 - The Interview
1995 - Conquer America (Interview Picture Disc)
1995 - Beatles Interview Talk Downunder Vol2
1995 - Interview Picture Disc 2
1995 - Live From the Pound
1995 - Baby It's You / I'll Follow the Sun
1995 - Baby It's You / I'll Follow Sun / Devil in Her Heart / Boys
1994 - Under the Influence
1994 - Talk Downunder 1
1994 - Tony Sheridan the Beatles
1993 - Things We Said Today
1993 - 1962-1966 (The Red Album)
1993 - 1967-1970 (The Blue Album)
1993 - Moviemania
1992 - CD Singles Collection
1992 - Love Me Do
1992 - Compact Disc EP Collection
1992 - CD Singles Collection
1991 - Live at Star Club 1962 1
1991 - Live at Star Club 1962 2
1990 - Yellow Submarine (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
1990 - Please Please Me (1990)
1990 - Early Tapes
1990 - Let It Be (1990)
1990 - Beatles for Sale (1990)
1990 - Rubber Soul (1990)
1990 - The Beatles (The White Album)
1990 - Abbey Road (1990)
1990 - Past Masters 1
1990 - Past Masters 2
1990 - Help (UK)
1989 - Hard Days Night
1989 - Paperback Writer
1989 - Yellow Submarine
1989 - Let It Be
1989 - Lady Madonna
1989 - Hey Jude
1989 - Get Back
1989 - Ballad of John and Yoko
1989 - All You Need Is Love 3 CD
1989 - Help
1988 - Love Me Do
1988 - From Me to You
1980 - BEATLES TAPES II Early Beatlemania 1963-1964
Anthology 1
Paperbcak Writer
modern jazz-A GRP artists' celebration of songs of the Beatles (I got no kick against)
White Album (Remastered)
modern jazz-A GRP artists' celebration of songs of the Beatles by Beatles (I got no kick against)
I Want to Hold Your Hand/This Boy 3 CD
The Beatles Rarities import
Can't Buy Me Love/You Can't Do That 3 CD
Let It Be
The White Album (25 Bonus Tracks)
Beatles Sgt Peppers Holland
Ep Collection
Beatles Interviews
Vol 2-1966-68-Interview
Beatles Tribute Anthology
Vol 3-USA 1963-64-Interview
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Trance Remixes
Vol 1-Australia '64-Interview
Beatles '65 / Beatles VI
Legends Karaoke 170 - Party Time Various Artists

CDs Beatles helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (13)

2014 - The Beatles Arranged for String Quartet

Genre: Classical
2008 - Savage Young Beatles

Genres: Pop, Rock, Classic Rock
2005 - Karaoke Hits of the Beatles 1

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classic Rock
2004 - Savage Young Beatles

2004 - Let It BeNaked

2002 - Ain't She Sweet

2002 - Sgt Peppers Slipcase Edition

1996 - Reggae Tribute to The Beatles

1992 - Beatles Interveiw Vol2

Beatles Songbook 24 Memorable Themes

The Beatles Complete Christmas Recordings Volume 2
The Beatles (The White Album)
Classical Guitar Works of Larry Rawl