Bamberg Philharmonic Orchestra

CDs Bamberg Philharmonic Orchestra helped create...

Currently Available CDs (8)

2004 - The Best of Tchaikovsky

Genre: Classical
1998 - Symphonies/The Greatest Hits

Genre: Classical
1997 - Best Of Beethoven (Classical Treasures)

Genres: Soundtracks, Classical
1995 - Overtures Instrumental Strategies

1994 - A Tchaikovsky Festival

1994 - A Handel Festival

1994 - Beethoven The Greatest Hits

1993 - Pachelbel Kanon And Other Hits Of The Baroque

Currently Unavailable CDs (22)

2009 - A Baroque Festival (1600-1750)

Genre: Classical
2008 - The World's Greatest Composers Bach (Collector's Edition Music Tin)

Genres: New Age, Classical
2008 - The World's Greatest Composers Beethoven (Collector's Edition Music Tin)

Genre: Classical
2007 - The Best of Tchaikovsky

2006 - Best-Loved Symphonies

2004 - A Baroque Festival

2004 - The Best of Mozart Vol 1

2004 - The Best of Bach

2001 - Tchaikovsky The Nutcracker Ballet Sleeping Beauty Romeo Juliet

1999 - Best of Golden Classics

1999 - Classics For Kids Beethoven And Babies
1998 - Piano Greatest Hits
1997 - Classics By Candle Light
1996 - Greatest Composers 1
1996 - Mendelssohn Fiorentino
1996 - Brahms The Greatest Hits
1996 - World's Greatest Composers 10 Disc
1995 - What Does a Deaf Guy Hear
1994 - A Brahms Festival
1994 - Piano Masterpieces
1994 - Tchaikovsky The Greatest Hits
1994 - Handel The Greatest Hits