CDs BBC performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1991 - Young Persons Guide to Orchestra

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (25)

2007 - Surprise Cabaret Songs Bolcom Satie Schoenberg

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2002 - Piano Concerto (Dig)

Genre: Classical
2001 - Brighten 2001 Tony P

Genres: Jazz, Soundtracks
1999 - Symphony 1 / Apollinaire Choruses

1998 - Falstaff

1998 - Music of the Silver Screen Vol 02

1998 - Music of the Silver Screen Vol 01

1998 - Big Band Moods Themes

1998 - Music of the Silver Screen Vol 03

1998 - The Music of the Silver Screen Action Films Vol 4

1995 - Pulcinella / Song of the Nightingale
1995 - American in Paris
1994 - Eklipse
1993 - Cello Concerto 1
1993 - Delius Paris In a Summer Garden Brigg Fair etc
1993 - Piano Concerto
1992 - Symphony 6
1992 - Requiem
1992 - Symphony 2 / In the South
1992 - Pli Selon Pli
1992 - Symphony 1 / Pomp Circumstance
1991 - Requiem K626
1991 - Sonatine / Derive
1990 - Songs
1990 - Symphony 2

CDs BBC helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

1994 - Tippett The Mask of Time

Genre: Classical