Antonio Bertali

CDs Antonio Bertali performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2000 - Schmelzer Unarum Fidium /Holloway Assenbaum Mortensen

Genre: Classical
1999 - Biber Litaniae Sancto Josepho Muffat Missa in Labore Requies / Junghanel

Genre: Classical
1998 - Anne Sofie von Otter - Lamenti / Goebel (Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Purcell, Bertali, Legrenzi)

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical

CDs Antonio Bertali helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (21)

2016 - Georg Muffat Missa in Labore Requies

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2016 - Antonio Bertali La Maddalena

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2015 - The Baroque Lute in Vienna

Genres: New Age, Classical
2011 - Stile Moderno - new music from the seventeenth century

2009 - Antonio Bertali Prothimia Suavissima Parte Seconda

2008 - Sweet Desire

2008 - Stabat Mater

2007 - Antonio Bertali Missa Resurrectionis

2007 - Biber Litani de Sancto Josepho Muffat Missa in labore requies

2007 - Festive Mass at the Imperial Court Vienna 1648

2006 - Das Partiturbuch Instrumental Music at the Courts of 17th Century Germany
2004 - All' Improvviso Ciaccone Bergamasche un po' di Follie
2004 - Tausend Glden Sonatas from the Habsburg Court
2003 - The Age of Cesario Gussago
2003 - Rariora Marginalia
2002 - Che soave armonia Monteverdi and More
2001 - Tausend Glden Sonatas from the Habsburg Court
2001 - Il Giardino Corrupto
2001 - Folias Festivas - Belladonna Baroque Quartet (Dorian)
1999 - Tromba Triumphans Kammermusik und Barocktrompete
1998 - Antonio Bertali Sonate Festive