| Antioch Chamber Ensemble The Passing of the Year: Choral Music by Jean Belmont-Ford, Jonathan Dove, Morten Lauridsen and Eric Whitacre Genre: Classical
Track Listings (23) - Disc #1- Whitacre: Three Flower Songs, I Hide Myself [Dickinson]
- Whitacre: Three Flower Songs, With a Lily In Your Hand [Garcia Lorca]
- Whitacre: Three Flower Songs, Go, Lovely Rose [Waller]
- Dove: The Passing of the Year, Invocation [Blake]
- Dove: The Passing of the Year, The Narrow Bud Opens Her Beauties To The Sun [Blake]
- Dove: The Passing of the Year, Answer July [Dickinson]
- Dove: The Passing of the Year, Hot Sun, Cool Fire [Peele]
- Dove: The Passing of the Year, Ah, Sun-Flower! [Blake]
- Dove: The Passing of the Year, Adieu! Farewell Earth s Bliss! [Nashe]
- Dove: The Passing of the Year, Ring Out, Wild Bells [Tennyson]
- Whitacre: Sleep [Silvestri]
- Lauridsen: Les Chansons Des Roses [Rilke], En Une Seule Fleur
- Lauridsen: Les Chansons Des Roses [Rilke], Contre Qui, Rose
- Lauridsen: Les Chansons Des Roses [Rilke], De Ton Rêve Trop Plein
- Lauridsen: Les Chansons Des Roses [Rilke], La Rose Complète
- Lauridsen: Les Chansons Des Roses [Rilke], Dirait-On
- Belmont-Ford: If Music Be The Food Of Love [Heveningham]
- Whitacre: Five Hebrew Love Songs [Plitmann], Temuná
- Whitacre: Five Hebrew Love Songs [Plitmann], Kalá Kallá
- Whitacre: Five Hebrew Love Songs [Plitmann], Lárov
- Whitacre: Five Hebrew Love Songs [Plitmann], �yze Shéleg!
- Whitacre: Five Hebrew Love Songs [Plitmann], Rakút
- Whitacre: A Boy and a Girl [Paz]