Search - Angels & Airwaves :: We Don't Need to Whisper

We Don't Need to Whisper
Angels & Airwaves
We Don't Need to Whisper
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
  •  Track Listings (10) - Disc #1

Tom DeLonge knows how he'd like people to listen to We Don't Need to Whisper, the debut album from his new group, Angels and Airwaves. "I really want the room to be dark, with black light or a candle," he says. "People sho...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: Angels & Airwaves
Title: We Don't Need to Whisper
Members Wishing: 0
Total Copies: 1
Label: Geffen Records
Original Release Date: 1/1/2006
Re-Release Date: 5/23/2006
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPC: 602498779330


Album Description
Tom DeLonge knows how he'd like people to listen to We Don't Need to Whisper, the debut album from his new group, Angels and Airwaves. "I really want the room to be dark, with black light or a candle," he says. "People should have headphones on, and they should be really comfortable, maybe sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed. I spent a year and a half working on this record, trying my hardest to give people a moment of escapism. All I ask is 50 minutes of a lowered heart rate." In just over a decade with Blink-182, DeLonge went from the San Diego suburbs to the top of the world. The band sold over 20 million records worldwide, won a wide assortment of MTV awards, and sold out arenas everywhere from London to Tokyo. So in early 2005, with Blink-182 on a break, DeLonge came to a crossroads. Rather than do a solo album or another version of his well-reviewed side project, Box Car Racer, DeLonge decided to start a new band. He recruited Box Car Racer guitarist David Kennedy, bassist Ryan Sinn (formerly of the Distillers), and drum god Atom Willard (previously of Rocket from the Crypt and the Offspring). The quartet headed into the studio?where they would try anything to find a new sound or a new song. The name Angels and Airwaves popped into DeLonge's head while he was driving. He wasn't certain about the name at first, but then he realized that "Angels and Airwaves" abbreviated as "AAA"?and that if he inverted the middle A, it spelled AVA, which is also the name of Tom?s daughter. "This is the next half of Tom DeLonge's life. If you liked anything that I did in the past, this is very much the next step." "The magic of Blink-182 was that the three of us came together to create this amazing band," he says. "But now there's no holds barred. I get to be me completely with a new group of talented musicians. We are on a different intensity level with this record, and it's something that we can't wait to share with the rest of the world.

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CD Reviews

Solid CD
Alex | Michigan, USA | 05/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Blink-182 changed continously throughout it's band-life. But not until Enema of the State did they to me make a bigger change. They turned somewhat "poppy" and had real good songs. In Take off your Pants and Jacket, they started to turn more "Rock", and it turned out to be my favorite CD. But in their final album ( Titled Blink-182? ) they turned really "emo", depressing, somewhat gothic.. but I still liked that, too. But when they broke up, or went on an "indefinite hiatius", I was pretty shocked, since Tom and Mark were "best friends".

In Angels and Airwaves (AvA) Tom takes on a more serious and loving side without his former bandmates Travis Barker and Mark Hoppus. Angels and Airwaves consists of Box Car Racer guitarist David Kennedy, former Distillers bassist Ryan Sinn, and the drummer Atom Willard, best known as former drummer for The Offspring. With a great group of guys like this, you'd expect a great cd, and that is exactly what you get. Tom said it would change the world.. it hasn't. I think he was just feeling good that day. :P. Here's my review.

Valkyrie Missle: 10/10. This has got to be my favorite track on the entire album. The intro is a long two minutes and forty seconds, a riff doesn't start until a minute or so into it, and tempo doesn't change until a minute thirty. I loved the lyrics though, and Tom's voice makes it a much better song. I'm hoping this is AvA's next single. This is my favorite on the album I'd say.

Distraction: 9/10. Starts out with a less than lengthy intro than Valkyrie Missle ( This one is a minute and nine seconds ) and the lyrics are pretty repetetive, but I just like this song. And like I will say continously about these songs, Tom's voice makes it better better better.

Do It For Me Now: 8.5/10. Only a thirty six second intro (probably the shortest) and a solid song, but it's really nothing too special.

The Adventure: 9.5/10. If anyone's heard about AvA and heard one song, they've most likely heard this one. It's AvA's first single. It's one minute thirty second intro is pretty repetetive, but it picks up as soon as Tom starts singing. Good lyrics, nice quick paced beat... I've just heard this song too many times.

A Little's Enough: 9/10. One of the slower paced songs on the album, but it's still good. Not the best song, but it surely is a good one with pretty good lyrics.

The War: 9.5/10. I love the main riff. Good lyrics, which mainly talk about, you probably guessed it... war. The best thign about this song though is definitely the guitar work though. But that plus Tom's voice equals magic. Very good song.

The Gift: 9.5/10. This may very well be the first AvA song I heard because I downloaded it. Great lyrics, and OF COURSE, great vocals from Tom make this one of the best on the album in my opinion.

It Hurts: 8.5/10. The main thing said in this song is "It Hurts" ... several times ... and it really stays the same tempo throughout the whole song. This is one of the worst on the album to me.

Good Day: 9.5/10. I loved Tom's vocals in this song. The lyrics are like most songs, just about "oo baby I love you... mmm don't dump me." But it's still good.

Start The Machine: 8.5/10. Slower paced song the whole song, really, and a really "peaceful" way to end the album.

AvA seems very much to me like a more modern U2 for some reason. Slow paced, meaningful lyrics, and just overall great stuff. The only thing AvA needs to work on is how long their intros are and closes. Many times it would seem as if a song was over, and it just kept on going and repeating the same line over and over. The lyrics also get repetetive sometimes. Anyway, I sincerely hope this band doesn't split now. Stay together, Angels and Airwaves. Stay together, for the kids.

We Don't Need to Whisper definitely deserves a:


You absolutely must buy this CD."
Blinkprog starts out strong and shows promise
Eddie Lancekick | Pacific Northwest | 10/13/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)

"Tom Delonge shucks the stage jumping punk image for a leaner, more progressive sound with his new project "Angels and Airwaves". "We don't need to whisper" starts out strong with some incredible music that does not break barriers but is still a good mix. You have Tom's signature, no-nonsense vocal efforts mixed with some atmospheric and melodic sounds and structures that make this album something refreshing to listen to. The first track is strong as we have some great tones and serious melodies in "Valkyrie Missile". Tom doesn't beat us over the head with theme or lyrics, but instead seems to be more at ease in a less intense, more substantial setting as is the music found on this album. The second track is equally impressive in its buildup intro that is almost mesmerizing and "world" sounding. These first two songs remind me a lot of the style and structure that made bands like Emerson, Lake and Palmer as well as U2.

If anything is lacking, it's simply some depth in lyrics. We have many catchy lines but nothing that really breaks away from the Blink-182 setting. The two songs that touch on war I found lacking, as they are almost to simplistic compared to the overall musicianship that carries them in instrumentals and tempo changes. In today's market, if you are going to sing an anti-war song that is going to stand out beyond Second time around guys like Bob Dylan and Neil Young, as well as bands like Bon Jovi, Ministry, KMFDM, Green Day, and Pearl Jam, you gotta put more into it. The lyrics on "Distraction" are at times extremely touching and moving, but we have too much repetitive chorus that takes away from its strength.

The second song I'd like to touch on is "The War". This song is definitely an anti-war song but seems to be talking about...what? Which war is this song about? He keeps talking about boats hitting the beaches, and then making references to houses being targets. So I guess he's saying we were attacking houses in Normandy and Iwo Jima, or got to Iraq by LCV? Perhaps he is trying to cover a multitude of images that bring war to mind.

Despite those minor critical views, there isn't a bad track on the album, and I seem to enjoy it more and more as time goes on. The key here is that there is PROMISE for this band to do more. With room to grow both in direction and vision, Angels and Airwaves could be the next big thing if they desire, its really up to them. With all of the uncertainty in the music market nowadays, its nice to see a collaboration or solo project come about that isn't super dramatic but doesn't drown you in sap either. "A littles enough" is a strong tune that has a lot of emotional message to it, while songs like "The Adventure" are much more arena rocking. It may not be deemed a classic in 20 years, however, their ability to mix some fast pop with progressive overtones is still something worth noting.

Tom has taken quite a leap from his Blink-182 days and I found that overall, this record does not tire being in my CD player. Its a nice blend of progressive sound that at times really stands out in the guitars, percussion, and added sounds and tones that give it a much more rich feel. I think AvA has laid the groundwork for a great start here and I look forward to their next album."
Simply Amazing!
S. Morey | San Diego, CA | 08/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Being a huge Blink-182 fan, I was one of the few it seems that really liked the last Blink album and the direction the band was heading with their more mature sound. So when the band decided to take an indefinite break, I was very disappointed to say the least, as if they faltered just when it seemed that they were hitting their prime. Then came Tom's much anticipated effort with a new lineup. I have to admit going in with some skepticism, being that I felt pretty strongly that Mark and Travis were too intrical and talented members of a great band to replace so easily since Mark's powerful basslines and Travis' crushing drums were such distinguishing hallmarks of Blink's successful sound. But with all due respect to those two individuals, boy I couldn't have been more wrong. Not only did Tom's new direction pick up right where Blink left off, but it reached a level that I'm not sure Blink could ever gotten to as it would've been too much of a departure from their previous sound. This is simply one of the best albums I have ever heard and blows away any previous albums Blink has ever done. Now I know some are saying that AvA's sound is too reminiscent of U2, The Cure, and other '80's bands to stand on it's own. However, in my humble opinion I couldn't disagree more. While there are similarities to albums such as the Joshua Tree in terms of the scale of the songs, no one today is even coming close to touching the commitment to excellence in writing. Tom and his new mates set out to make an alblum not with just a couple of hit singles and a bunch of filler, but instead wrote every song as if it was to go on an eventual greatest hits album. Each song not only stands alone in it's brillance, but together form an entire concept album full of themes of love, war, loss, hope, and space. There is simply no weak link on this album.

Valkrie's Missile, Do It For Me Now, The Adventure, The Gift, and The War are my favorites, but it's really hard to rank them above the rest because all are excellent. The perfect blend of rock, synth, lyrics, and production, "We Don't Need To Whisper" is an alblum that will stand the test of time and become a cult classic whether or not it reaches the commercial success of an album like the Joshua Tree. Now no review would be complete without a little criticism and if there is one to offer it is this: There are times when Tom's sophomoric/teen-sounding voice doesn't quite fit AvA's more mature sound and lyrics. You almost wonder if he will still sound this way as he approaches middle age. But having accepted this long ago, one can overcome this slight annoyance because of how amazing this alblum is. So don't hesitate to purchase it. It will be one that you will enjoy for years to come. AvA is my new favorite band and after listening to this album, I'm confident you will become a fan too. I already cant wait to see them live and look forward to more AvA in years to come. Way to go boys!"