Album DescriptionWelcome to WillieWorld is an epic musical and poetic journey into the life of a female New York City paramedic. Taking place over one summer in the early 1980s, it explores a world that very few people have seen, much less experienced; the underside of the greatest city on earth, and the lives that are lived and often lost on these New York streets. Woven into the deep tapestry of Andy Teirsteins music, the text is both funny and heartbreaking; lyrical and stark. The characters you meet, now mostly dead or forgotten, live again in these tracks, and their lives are worth knowing, visible in a way that they never were while they were actually being lived. Maggie Dubris' spoken narrative is accompanied by Teirstein's multifaceted, lyrical musical score. Strings, accordion, harmonica, mandolin, and electronic keyboards provide a chamber music/folksy incidental accompaniment to the poem. When there is singing, by Teirstein and Alia Curchak, it is wordless, adding a haunting presence to the texture. The text for the CD is the first section of New York City paramedic Dubris' epic poem,WillieWorld (Cuz Editions, 1998). The book is out of print, but Welcome to WillieWorld can be downloaded as a PDF file from the WillieWorld Short Film Website. (