Amalia Rodrigues

CDs Amalia Rodrigues performed on...

Currently Available CDs (2)

1998 - Art of Amalia

Genres: International Music, Pop, Latin Music
1994 - Enlightenment

Genres: International Music, Pop, Latin Music

Currently Unavailable CDs (104)

2017 - Best of Fado 1959-1969

Genres: International Music, Pop
2011 - The Art Of Amlia Rodrigues Vol II

Genre: International Music
2009 - Canta Vinicius De Moraes

Genres: International Music, Pop
2009 - Yesterday and Today

2009 - The Voice of Fado

2008 - Amalia at the Paris

2008 - O Melhor De Amalia

2008 - Soul of Fado

2007 - Queen of Fado

2007 - First Recordings

2007 - Yesterday and Today
2006 - Fado Portugues
2006 - Live at Town Hall
2006 - Songs in an Ancient Tongue
2006 - History of Fado
2006 - Fado Amalia
2006 - Amalia Rodrigues
2006 - Fado Portuges
2006 - Coimbra
2006 - Uma Casa Portuguesa
2005 - Recital Ideal
2005 - Essential Collection
2005 - Melodias 1951-1952
2005 - On Broadway
2005 - Amalia Rodrigues With Don Byas
2005 - Art of Amalia V2
2005 - With Don Byas
2005 - On Broadway
2005 - Soul of Fado
2005 - Art of Amalia Rodrigues 2
2004 - This Is Gold
2004 - Complete Recordings 1945-1952
2004 - Lisboa a Noite
2004 - Raizes
2004 - Fado Amalia
2004 - Queen of Fado
2004 - Abbey Road Recordings
2004 - Legend
2004 - Very Best of Amalia Rodrigues
2004 - Abbey Road Recordings
2004 - Forever
2003 - Best Of
2003 - The Best of Amlia Rodrigues
2002 - Best Recordings
2002 - The Voice of Fado
2001 - The History of Fado
2001 - Very Best of Amalia Rodrigues
2001 - Fado Amalia
2001 - Fado Amalia
2001 - No Olympia
2001 - Triste Sina
2001 - Encontro Com Don Byas
2001 - Asas Fechadas
2001 - Abbey Road 1952
2001 - Amalia No Cafe Luso
2001 - Folclore a Guitarra E a Viola
2001 - O Melhor De 2
2000 - Live in Japan
2000 - Live in Japan
2000 - Fado
2000 - Segredo
2000 - Fado
2000 - Amalia Rodrigues
2000 - Birthday Tribute
2000 - Com Que Voz
2000 - Fado
2000 - Fado Amalia (Por)
2000 - Uma Casa Portugeusa
2000 - Live at Town Hall
2000 - Yesterday Today
1999 - A Dama Do Fado
1999 - Rainha Do Fado
1999 - Musica Do Portugal O Fado
1999 - Early Recordings
1998 - Segredo
1998 - Simply the Best
1998 - Fado Malhoa
1998 - Fado Amalia
1998 - Ai Mouraria
1998 - Triste Sina
1998 - Songs in an Ancient Tongue
1998 - The Best of Amalia
1998 - Semplicimente Il Neglio
1997 - Amalia Rodrigues (The Queen of the Fado)
1997 - Les Belles Chansons De
1997 - Amalia Rodrigues
1997 - Amalia in Italia
1997 - First Recordings
1996 - Best of Fado
1996 - Queen of the Fado
1996 - Fado Lisboeta
1996 - Fado Lisboeta
1996 - Best of
1996 - Queen of the Fado
1996 - At the Olympia Theatre
1995 - Amalia Rodrigues
1995 - Fados E Guitarradas Au Portugal
1995 - Fado
1994 - Les Plus Belles Chansons DE
1993 - O Fado
1992 - Plus Beaux Fados
Le World Fado
Estranha Forma De Vida- O Melhor De

CDs Amalia Rodrigues helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (8)

2003 - Fado Amalia

Genres: International Music, Pop
2003 - Vol 2-Triste Sina

Genres: International Music, Pop
2003 - Uma Casa Portuguesa

Genres: International Music, Pop
2000 - Live in Japan

1999 - Yesterday and Today/02 Cds

1994 - Best of Fado

1993 - Fado Lisboeta

1993 - Queen of the Fado