| Allan Crossman Log of the Skipper's Wife Genres: Pop, Soundtracks, Broadway & Vocalists
Track Listings (24) - Disc #1- Overture - Crossman, Allen
- The Eight Bells
- The Life of a Common Sailor
- The All Hands on Deck
- The I Do Not Believe in Destiny
- The Am I Losing My Sense of Time?
- The Saturday, Saturday
- The I Wonder
- The Happy Days
- The Time to Take the Sights
- The Lovely Unexpected Drive
- The His Great Love for Me (Piano So
- The Ask Me Not in Mournful Numbers
- The Salt
- The If That Be Mutiny
- The Alack and Alas
- The Balano Estate
- The Sailing Tomorrow for Rio
- The Rio
- The Buxom, Blithe, and Debonair
- The O Do Step the Two-Step
- The Things to Look Back Upon
- The My Baby Boy
- The Selah