| Alhambra Art of Judeo-Spanish Song Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (14) - Disc #1- Poco le das la Mi Consuegra
- Una Matica de Ruda [A Little Bunch of Rue]
- B'ni B'gincha [In Your Garden, My Son]
- Kol Nidre
- Ven Hermoza [Come, Pretty One]
- Dame la Mano [Give Me Your Hand Little Dove]
- Sharah Canet Bete Masha [The Girl with the Beautiful, Dark Eyes]
- La Buliza Çapateta [The Female Shoemaker]
- Dulores Tiene la Reina [The Queen Has Pains]
- Mi Querido Bevio Vino /El Mi Querido Bevio ... [My Love Drank Wine]
- Una Pastora Yo Ami [I Love a Sheperdess]
- Ah, el Novio No Quere Dinero [Ah, the Groom Wants No Money]
- El Rey Que Muncha Madruga [Early in the Morning the King Went Out]
- Esturulu