Currently Unavailable CDs (34)
2002 - Beyond Words (Au-Dela Des Mots) 2000 - Back to Breizh 2000 - Best of 1999 - Before Landing 1999 - International Tour Tro Ar Bed 1998 - 1 Douar 1998 - Master Serie 1997 - 70-95 Zoom 1996 - Brian Boru 1995 - Symphonie Celtique 1995 - Legende 1995 - Legend 1994 - Mist of Avalon 1994 - Again 1994 - Live in Dublin 1994 - Renaissance of Celtic Harp 1994 - Harpes Du Nouvel Age 1990 - Celtic Symphony 1990 - Journee a La Maison (A Homecoming) 1990 - Celtic Symphony 1990 - Renaissance of the Celtic Harp Symphonie Celtique Olympia Concert |