| Alan Lomax Spanish Recordings: Ibiza & Formentera - Pityusic Genres: Blues, Folk, International Music, Pop, Latin Music
Track Listings (39) - Disc #1- Entrada (Entrance Music) [#]
- La Curta
- La Llarga [#]
- Una Can?o Em Demanau (You Asked Me for a Song) [#]
- En Tu Duc Es Pensament (My Thoughts Are with You) [#]
- Som Fadr? I Per Ser Casat (I'm a Bachelor to Be Married) [#]
- Em Pas Es Temps Cavil-Lant (I Pass the Time Thinking) [#]
- Perdonau Si No Us Agrada (Excuse Me If You Don't Like What I Say) [#]
- Adi?s Si Ac?s No Parlam (Goodbye, In Case We Don't Speak Again) [#]
- Vida de Sant Aleix (The Life of Saint Alexis) [#]
- Roseta de Mi Amada (Little Rose, My Beloved) [#]
- S'Allarga Sa Temporada (Time Is Going By) [#]
- Vaig Trista I Artribolada (I'm Sad and Troubled) [#]
- Bon Amor Visquet Alegre (Good Love, Live Happily) [#]
- Es Dia de Nadal Era (It Was Christmas Day...) [#]
- Can?? de La Passi? (Song of the Passion) [#]
- Quan Jo Era Petiteta (When I Was a Little Girl) [#]
- Me N'Heu Demanat una Altra (They've Asked Me for Another One) [#]
- Sa Pastoreta (The Little Shepherdess) [#]
- Ses Al-Lotes de Dalt Vila (The Girls of Dalt Vila)
- Sa des Pastor (The One About the Shepherd)
- An?rem a Sant Miquel (We Went to Sant Miquel) [#]
- S'Esbrunyida (The Dusted-Off One) [#]
- Jo, Sa Majora I S'Al-Lota [#]
- Bon Amor Jo et V?nc a Veure (Sweet Love, I Come to See You) [#]
- Anit Pasada Ha Hi ?rem (Last Night We Were Here) [#]
- Sonada (Melody) [#]
- Entrada de Missa (Entrance for the Mass) [#]
- Caramelles (The Seven Joys of Mary)
- Sonada des Credo (Melody for the Credo)
- Al?ar Deu (Elevating the Host) [#]
- La Llarga I [#]
- La Llarga II [#]
- A Cantar M'Heu Aginyat (You've Requested That I Sing) [#]
- La Llarga Repicada [#]
- Amb Tota Honra I Cortesia (With All Honor and Courtesy) [#]
- Ses Nou Rodades (The Nine Turns) [#]
- Sa Filera (Line Dance) [#]
- Sa Sortida (Exit) [#]