| After Midnight After Midnight Genres: Dance & Electronic, Jazz, Rock
Track Listings (12) - Disc #1- Door [Planet Tweaked Mix]
- The Nipple Track [Friction Mix]
- Lift Me [Buddha Passion Beats]
- Nice, Sweet & Sexy [Space Mix]
- Finding Paradise [Infectious Mix]
- Keep Your Head Up [Montanari & Ruberto Dark Vocal Mix]
- Your Peak Hour DJ [Original Mix]
- Taste of Flesh
- That Sound [Ivano Bellini & Ms Therapy Mix]
- Situation [Drums Mix]
- Are You Feeling This [Robbie's Main Mix]
- Afterhours [Curiosity Killed the Cat Mix]
Track Listings (12) - Disc #2- Runaway [Kluster Sobe Deep Mix]
- Afraid of Change [Dep Vocal Mix]
- Penetrate My Body [Stefano Greppi Metropole Mix]
- Strange Shades of Light [MSP's Original Strange Mix]
- A Deeper Sound [A Deeper Dub Mix]
- Mind Trip [Mind Mix]
- Sex 2005 [Ralph Falcon Mix]
- Diry Pleasures [MSP Original Mix]
- True House [Saeed's Bass Pentrated Remix]
- Free Your Mind [Robbie's 3 Am Dub]
- Revolution [Revolution B Mix]
- Get Higher [the Doggy Dark Mix]