Search - Louis Vierne, Marcel Dupre, Charles-Marie Widor :: Vierne: Messe solennelle; Widor: Messe à deux choeurs et deux orgues; Dupré: Quatre motets

Vierne: Messe solennelle; Widor: Messe à deux choeurs et deux orgues; Dupré: Quatre motets
Louis Vierne, Marcel Dupre, Charles-Marie Widor
Vierne: Messe solennelle; Widor: Messe à deux choeurs et deux orgues; Dupré: Quatre motets
Genre: Classical


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If you don't own this CD, order it now!
Jason Abel ( | Dallas, Texas | 01/30/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)

"James O'Donnell and the choir of Westminster Cathedral have produced yet another magnificent recording. While there are several recordings of the Vierne, finding the Dupre motets and the Widor mass are much more difficult. The Widor mass, in particular, is splendidly done. Although an English choir, the men and boys of Westminster Cathedral are well known for their "continental" style of singing, thus it's far more forward in tone and is appropriate for all of the works performed on this recording. The organ thunders behind an energetic and flawless choral sound. With any luck, this CD will result in more performances of the Dupre and Widor, and more respectable performances of the Vierne."
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Having sung the Widor Mass and enjoyed it thoroughly, I decided to buy a recording to prolong the good memories! And this cd certainly does not disappoint... I have to confess to having been somewhat sceptical about Westminster Cathedral Choir's reputation, but this cd really does confirm that they are Britain's premier cathedral choir, Anglican or Roman Catholic. The 24 trebles on this highly acclaimed recording far surpass any sound I've heard St Paul's produce - and the three altos (three! in a double-choir line-up of over fifty singers!) are prominant, clear and rich in tone in a way that I've not come across before. The Widor Mass and motets are, of course, sung with gusto and grandeur, as is the astoundingly moving Vierne Mass - both backed by two fine organs that blend perfectly for a delicious French colour. It's also nice to see the rarely-performed Dupre motets given an outing, and they are a real joy to listen to. All in all a wonderful recording which presents the music exactly as it is - grand, impressive, but always highly moving - exactly what we've come to expect from the Hyperion label. Buy it, buy it, buy it. I cannot say enough good things about it. Definitely the highlight of my summer!"
Widor Mass - AWESOME
Gavin D. Craig | Flint, MI United States | 02/24/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I got this CD having never heard any of the works on it. I was immediately impressed with everything on here. If you buy one choral or organ CD make it THIS ONE! The organ comes through clearly, as does the choir. The accoustics, of course, are superb. It exceeded my expectations and more. The Widor mass is all you need to hear on this CD. I have one complaint, and that is in the intro to the Gloria in the Widor, the organ emits a shrill noise on the last note. However this isn't at all noticeable and I still very much recommend it!"