Search - Sergei Rachmaninov, Maurice Ravel, Jesús López-Cobos :: Hélène Grimaud ~ Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No. 2 · Ravel - Piano Concerto in G major

Hélène Grimaud ~ Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No. 2 · Ravel - Piano Concerto in G major
Sergei Rachmaninov, Maurice Ravel, Jesús López-Cobos
Hélène Grimaud ~ Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No. 2 · Ravel - Piano Concerto in G major
Genre: Classical
  •  Track Listings (6) - Disc #1

This may be an unusual coupling, but it works out well. Hélène Grimaud, a young pianist of great talent, offers a sensitive but no-nonsense approach to both works. Her Rachmaninoff is not as expansive as some, bu...  more »


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CD Details

This may be an unusual coupling, but it works out well. Hélène Grimaud, a young pianist of great talent, offers a sensitive but no-nonsense approach to both works. Her Rachmaninoff is not as expansive as some, but she makes the melodies sing, rips through the difficulties with flair, and never sentimentalizes the music. A similar attitude works equally well with the circus show Ravel put into music (really--it even opens with the ringmaster cracking his whip!). The conductor and orchestra provide vigorous support, but it's still the pianist's show and she makes the most of it. --Leslie Gerber

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CD Reviews

Fine Rachmaninov and Ravel Piano Concertos
John Kwok | New York, NY USA | 04/14/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)

"Helene Grimaud's performances of the Rachmaninov and Ravel Piano Concertos aren't as stirring as those recorded by Ashkenazy and Argerich, but are fine in their own right. She takes a sensible, no nonsense approach to both pieces, playing with much warmth, without the exuberance that both might require. Indeed, her performance of Ravel's piano concerto comes across as a more polished, though less dynamic, performance than Argerich's with Claudio Abbado and the London Symphony Orchestra as accompanists. Lopez-Cobos and the Royal Philharmonic are sympathetic accompanists to Grimaud's playing. And Denon does a very good job in recording the sound, which comes close to Deutsche Grammophon's usual excellence. While this isn't an essential recording of either piano concerto, it remains one worth acquiring just to hear the splendid playing of one of the finest pianists of her generation."
Marvelous, tender, lyrical playing from the young Grimaud
Santa Fe Listener | Santa Fe, NM USA | 01/30/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)

"The two preceding reviews are so absurd that I must jump in, even though I wouldn't normally pay close attention to this pairing of two familiar concertos recorded ten times a year. I'm happy to report that the young Grimaud was full of charisma and brio (ignore the gabble from John Kwok and the Amazon reviewer that she is "no nonsense"). Her technique is forceful and large-scaled. Listening blind, one would have no difficulty in guessing that this Rachmaninov Second, with its assured, scintillating finale, must be by a mature Russian virtuoso. The big tunes in the first and second movement are played with a tender gift for melody. In fact, Grimaud is so impressive that I regret the way she abandoned such appealingly romantic playing for her current style, which is considerably tougher and hard edged. Lopez-Cobos provides first-rate accompaniment that's never tired or trite. The only thing lacking is that last ounce of chaarisma that we get from Argerich, Richter, and Kissin, but what company to find oneself in. Denon's warm, detailed recording is up to the best.

The Ravel G majaor can come off as a witty trifle or a dazzling showpiece.Argerich certainly does quite a turn with it. Here we begin with a vibrant orchestral introduction -- one of the best I've heard in a while -- and Grimaud enters with angular playing that isn't really jaunty or scintillating; I think she's a trifle too serious. Together, she and the conductor contrive to be more inward than the music calls for, I think. But in their own way, they could hardly be bettered. I suppose Grimaud could be pigeon-holed as Argerich lite, but for me, she has real personality and flair, quite remarkable in someone so young."