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 What our Music Club & CD Exchange is all about...

Learn more about our CD Exchange
We help music fans Swap, Trade & Exchange Used CDs...
Mail a CD. Get a CD. Every time you ship a CD to another member, you can request one for yourself having it delivered directly to your door! Any album you request is yours to keep, share or trade.

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What our club members are saying about SwapaCD... Read More Testimonials - Leave Your Testimonial

I had a closet full of music I had been collecting since high school- stuff I never listen to anymore but didn't know what to do with.
Imagine my delight in finding! My musical tastes have changed drastically in the last decade but CDs are so spendy so I hardly ever treated myself to one until now! I have been able to find nearly every CD I wanted in your extensive database, and with the hundreds more I have yet to post and trade, I may never purchase a new CD again!

Shannon M. - PALISADE, CO

What a Great Way to find new music! Love it! AWESOME CD TRADING SITE!